<div style="text-align: center;"> <h1 style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Cybersader</h1> <figure style="display: inline-block; margin: 0;"> <img src="_attachments/file-20250217124401299.png" alt="Cybersader art" style="width: 400px; max-width: 100%;"> <br> <figcaption>Welcome to my base in cyberspace</figcaption> </figure> </div> %% ```js const pages = dv.pages() .sort(f => f.file.mtime, "desc") .limit(1); let content; if (pages.length === 0) { content = "No files found."; } else { const lastEdited = pages[0]; // If your environment has 'moment' loaded, this will work: const timeAgo = moment(lastEdited.file.mtime).fromNow(); // Or you can use a pure JavaScript "time ago" function, if moment is unavailable. content = `${timeAgo} – [[${lastEdited.file.name}]]`; } ` > Recent Edits > ${dv.markdownList([content])} `; ``` %% %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: start ```dataviewjs const pages = dv.pages() .sort(file => file.file.mtime, "desc") .limit(1); let content; if (pages.length === 0) { content = "No files found."; } else { const lastEdited = pages[0]; // If 'moment' is available, use format(...) to get a nice timestamp: const dateTime = moment(lastEdited.file.mtime).format("ddd, MMM D, YYYY"); content = `${dateTime} - [[${lastEdited.file.name}]]`; } ` > [!note] Latest Edit > ${content} `; ``` %% > [!note] Latest Edit > Tue, Feb 18, 2025 - [[2025 Cyber News]] %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: end %% # Links - πŸ“„ [Resume & Portfolio](https://ben.cybersader.com/) - 🏠 [Home](https://cybersader.com/) - KnowledgeBase, Portfolio, Blog - <img width="15" alt="" src="https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/youtube-icon.svg" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"> [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@Cybersader) - Videos, Playlists - <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 2160 2160" width="30" height="20"><!-- Based on LinkedIn-InBug-2C.eps from http://press.linkedin.com/Media-Resources?SubjectID=644 --><path fill="#0077b5" d="M 2000.01,0 159.441,0 C 71.4453,0 0,69.77 0,155.62 L 0,2004.141 C 0,2090.1602 71.4453,2160 159.441,2160 l 1840.569,0 c 88.09,0 159.99,-69.8398 159.99,-155.859 L 2160,155.62 C 2160,69.77 2088.1,0 2000.01,0"/><path fill="#ffffff" d="m 480.371,297.38 c 102.422,0 185.664,83.24 185.664,185.71 0,102.57 -83.242,185.82 -185.664,185.82 -102.695,0 -185.703,-83.25 -185.703,-185.82 0,-102.47 83.008,-185.71 185.703,-185.71 m -160.273,512.46 320.507,0 0,1030.789 -320.507,0 0,-1030.789"/><path fill="#ffffff" d="m 841.543,809.84 307.347,0 0,140.78 4.37,0 c 42.78,-81.01 147.31,-166.48 303.17,-166.48 324.18,0 384.06,213.44 384.06,491.09 l 0,565.399 -320,0 0,-501.25 c 0,-119.609 -2.35,-273.359 -166.53,-273.359 -166.71,0 -192.14,130.23 -192.14,264.679 l 0,509.93 -320.277,0 0,-1030.789"/></svg> [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-rader-cyber/) - 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Utilizes Notion, Obsidian, and Github to sync content. For now this is my "digital garden", "second brain", and fortress of the cybersader. > A beacon for the assembly and dissemination of cyber wisdom, this platform stands as a formidable citadel, a testament to my dedication as a Cybersader, committed to enriching the collective intellect. Initially serving as a crucible for my own insights, it is adorned with the digital ramparts and moats designed to safeguard knowledge. Yet, its ambition extends far beyond, aspiring to evolve into a dynamic, contributory nexus for the cyber-savvy and the intellectually studious. This endeavor is the essence of social knowledge curationβ€”a concept pioneered by Wikipedia, yet here, under the banner of the Cybersader, I seek to refine and reimagine its potential. My vision is to build not just a platform, but a fortress of wisdom, more intuitive in its use and replicable, allowing others to establish resilient bastions of cyber knowledge across the realm. Here, every contribution is forged in fire, every shared insight a shield to the industry, paving the way for an unprecedented expansion of cyber knowledge landscapes, under the watchful eye of the Cybersader. # ❀️‍πŸ”₯ Support Me or Say Thanks If you enjoy my work or find value from it, then you can support me below by sharing your thoughts or a small gift. - πŸ’™ [Share your thoughts! - Write something](https://senja.io/p/cybersader/r/5RzvRy) <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cybersader"><img src="https://img.buymeacoffee.com/button-api/?text=Buy me a coffee&emoji=β˜•&slug=cybersader&button_colour=FFDD00&font_colour=000000&font_family=Inter&outline_colour=000000&coffee_colour=ffffff" width="80%" /></a>